Steps to make the gcc compile under Atari TOS and gulam: I used TOS 1.4 with an Atari 1040ST and 4 Meg of memory. I partitioned drive d: to have 32 Meg of space to store all the source and object files. Somewhat less may be required, but more than 16 Meg are needed. I used a Ramdisk for drive M: that was 711K in size (one floppy). I removed all but the most basic accessories and AUTO folder programs. 1) Read the file README.TOS from the atari gcc distribution and follow those steps to patch files, etc. 2) After I did this I came up with the directory structure listed in the file 'directry.txt' in this package. I had moved all the unnecessary files into various \notused and \doc directories. This listing was made after I completed the compiler build so it shows the actual output files in the d:\gnu\bin directory. The compiler files I started with are in the d:\gnu\bin\bammi directory. 3) After all the files are organized, execute the file makegcc.g from gulam in the d:\gcc137 directory. This file uses the gnu make program and gulam '.g' files to perform the build. 4) There are three stages to the build: a) make the files that generate instruction files specific for the atari b) generate the instruction files from the generator files c) complete the remaining compiles and linkages to create the final compiler. 5) I first made the compiler more or less by hand, then took the compiler output andgenerated a second compiler to test the build of the first. The files were identical, but slightly different from the compiler distributed. I then made these 'make files' and made a third copy which turned out to be identical to the other two. The whole build process takes three hours. Good luck! Jim Hurley ...!ames!ultra!jimh 10/21/1990